Vermarktungsförderung OMF+ - Jetzt einreichen !

Aktuell läuft der ersten Call des neuen Vermarktungsförderungsprogramms OMF+.
Ziel der OMF+ Förderung ist eine unmittelbare Hilfestellung zur nachhaltigen Etablierung einer Künstlerin oder eines Künstlers, einer Band oder eines Ensembles am Markt, beziehungsweise zur Festigung oder Ausweitung des Publikumskreises.

EINREICHUNGEN ZUM 1.CALL von OMF+ sind bis 22.Mai 2024 möglich.

Weitere Infos HIER

tour support

TTheThe tour support program of the Austria Austrian Music Funds support national tours by Austrian artists and bands. Submitted projects should not be financially viable without the funding by the Austrian Music Fund. Supported shows of a tour must not yet have taken place at the time of funding approval and must not violate applicable laws.Tours abroad can not be supported. 

The tour support program is open to all those artists and bands that were granted a production funding by the Austrian Music Fund. The production supported by the Austrian Music Fund must have been published within the last 12 months before the tour starts. The submitted tour must be directly related to the supported production, i.e. primarily serve its promotion. 

The Austrian Music Fund supports live performances as part of a tour in the form of concerts, festival performances or special one-off events (CD release party or similar) in Austria. A tour is defined as a series of live performances with the same program title and within a period of 3 months. 

Funded costs are artist fees and costs required for the implementation and promotion of the performances (rental of technical equipment, technician salaries, poster costs, travel expenses, etc.). The funding is granted individually depending on the circumstances and needs and accounted according to purpose and expenses. Subsidies are a maximum of 1,000 € per concert, totaling a maximum of 10,000 € per tour.   

All natural persons residing in Austria as well as companies based in Austria may apply for funding, provided that they are mainly responsible for the tours submitted. For now, only tours of artists and bands, which were already granted a production funding by the 


© 2024 Österreichischer Musikfonds
Mit Finanzierung des Bundesministeriums Kunst, Kultur, öffentlicher Dienst und Sport und namhafter Institutionen des österreichischen Musiklebens zur Förderung professioneller, österreichischer Musikproduktionen
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