Vermarktungsförderung OMF+ - Jetzt einreichen !

Aktuell läuft der ersten Call des neuen Vermarktungsförderungsprogramms OMF+.
Ziel der OMF+ Förderung ist eine unmittelbare Hilfestellung zur nachhaltigen Etablierung einer Künstlerin oder eines Künstlers, einer Band oder eines Ensembles am Markt, beziehungsweise zur Festigung oder Ausweitung des Publikumskreises.

EINREICHUNGEN ZUM 1.CALL von OMF+ sind bis 22.Mai 2024 möglich.

Weitere Infos HIER

mission statement

The Austrian Music Fund is an initiative that aims to promote and fund professional Austrian music production in order to increase awareness of it and facilitate its distribution, thereby strengthening the reputation of Austria as a location for creativity.

The Austrian Music Fund is open to all composers of music, as well as performers, producers, publishers and labels. The Austrian Music Fund supports music production recordings on sound media or other audio-visual media, as well as music production for use with new media channels. The production of albums or work that is similar in scope to an album is funded. The funding of the production of singles, compilations, commissioned music or film music is not permitted. 

The projects that are submitted for funding by the Music Fund must require this funding in order to be realised or realised to a practical extent i.e. without the funding they could not be financed. The production may not have already been completed by the time the funding is granted and may not infringe on existing rights.

The crucial criteria for granting funding to a production are its value and suitability as a cultural work that characterises Austria, the professional quality of the production and the applicability of it to domestic and international audiences. A maximum of 50% of the production costs will be funded. The own funds provided can be (partly) provided in the form of valued payments in kind and personal services (identified together as own services in the calculation form).

The Austrian Music Fund also funds live music tours that act as advertising for the production works that are funded. More information is available about this at The fund is sponsored by bm:ukk and well known institutions in the Austrian musical scene and is endowed with 680,000 euros annually.

© 2024 Österreichischer Musikfonds
Mit Finanzierung des Bundesministeriums Kunst, Kultur, öffentlicher Dienst und Sport und namhafter Institutionen des österreichischen Musiklebens zur Förderung professioneller, österreichischer Musikproduktionen
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